Virginia, stand up! It’s been seven years since Missy Elliott dropped a video and man, have I been missing her! We saw her last year in the SuperBowl Halftime show with Katy Perry and the reaction on social media was instant and intense. Teens and tweens the world over were wondering who the “hot, new” artist gracing the stage with Miss Perry was. (Pray for our future.)
Tell me you haven’t been chomping on the bit for this ever since Missy OWNED that Super Bowl Halftime… https://t.co/umU0DEiFSU
— Retta (@unfoRETTAble) November 6, 2015
Missy Elliott realized how much we all missed her at the Super Bowl halftime show! 🎶👏🏻 #newmusic #workit #missyonthemic — Shelby (@shelbymedic) October 31, 2015
But now, a full TEN YEARS since she blessed us with her last album, The Cookbook, Missy has partnered up with her fellow Virginia-native (and my boyfriend), Pharrell, to release what is clearly the fire track of the season. “WTF (Where They From)” absolutely has that distinct Pharrell production and Missy Elliott sound but avoids sounding dated. Honestly, I think it has been so long since we heard anything on this level sonically that it sounds entirely new again. While the song itself is rocking, the thing that I’ve always loved Missy Elliott for? The visuals.
Missy’s “Where They From” does not disappoint. Rapping marionettes, tween hip-hoppers, Missy in makeup straight out of a Lichtenstein painting. I was here for all of it. Watch the video below:
Tell me, What’s your favorite Missy Elliott moment? (I know you have one.)